Sunday, 27 June 2010

I'm Back!

Hey, guys!

I've been deciding whether to come back to the old blog or create a new one. Eventually, here I am, and I'm going to make this blog as lively as possible. There are a few reasons why I resurrect my blog.

First, it is mainly due to my boredom. I don't want to be idle all the time; at least I do something - that is blogging! During this long semester break, I have always been staying at home, doing nothing but watching dramas, movies and Japanese animations, as well as reading mangas, playing Facebook, Lowyat-foruming, et cetera. Everything is done by sitting on a chair with a laptop on the table. What an idle life! Anyway, I did go out with friends for gathering at night once in a blue moon. A lot of my friends went for their internships and that's why not much gathering has been held. Evey evening working out inside my room is considered as one of my entertainments since I feel refreshed after the session.

Secondly, I want to improve my deteriorative command of English. I'm now studying in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), pursuing degree in Mathematics. A majority of my course-mates are Chinese educated, and as a results I could hardly converse with them in English. Well, I'm actually being raised in the Chinese-speaking community, but I'm not Chinese educated. I just want some of my friends to use multi-languages when conversing with me. Malaysia is a multiracial country, so why not using multi-languages? Just like what I do with my hometown friends. I tried using it with my UPM buddies, but it was awkward and eventually conversing in Chinese is the best resort. As time passes, my command of Chinese is improving while my English level is degrading. Also, no doubt my national language - Bahasa Malaysia is deteriorating.

The last reason is because when new semester starts, my lecture will be from Monday to Wednesday. I'll have ample of free time; thus I'll at least have something to spend on. Anyway, I still have to arrange another time slot for meeting with my Supervisor (Lecturer) who handles my Final Year Project. I wonder which day will it be.

Well, I guess I'll stop here. Actually, I still have tonnes of things to type out, but I guess I'll leave it for tomorrow. I'm glad that I typed out quite a lengthy one here. Expressing myself here is quite fun too. Till then, good night.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back~~ ^^

Jzen@Hayden said...

thanks, anonymous.. O.o...

kathy said...

I'm glad that I read all u typed out quite a lengthy one here -.-

SinHui said...

wow..long entry..
okay..i will stalk on ur blog next whenever I'm free XD

Jzen@Hayden said...

kathy: lolx-.-

sinhui: after you.. :D