Tuesday, 20 July 2010


This morning, I woke up at 7 a. m. and went for a jog with some of my course-mates. Since I didn't have lecture until 2 p. m., I spent my times after jogging by reading news from The Star Online, playing Facebook, viewing updates from Lowyat forum, doing revision for my afternoon lecture as well as analyzing my second journal given by my FYP supervisor.

This afternoon, I went to the lecture room - DK 9 and haplessly, I've been assigned to Group 2 by Dr. Zarina Bibi. WTF! Thus, I have to walk to DK B and consequently I was late. The reason for this sudden assignment was because Group 1 had too many students, so Dr. Zarina Bibi divided the students into two groups. Group 2 will be taught by Dr. Zainiddin. Whatever he teaches, the level of the lessons will turn to a whole new different level of understanding! (That's what my ''senpai'' told me and it's true-.-) Sigh... Unfortunately, I have to bear with him in two subjects - MTH 3104 and MTH 3302 - for this whole semester! Sigh... I don't want to walk all the way through from Old Flat to DK B too! It's just too far! Sigh...

Anyway, I wish I could continue lamenting, but I couldn't. I need to attend another lecture at 8 p. m. later. So, I'll stop my lament here. Sigh!!!!!!

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