Tuesday, 28 December 2010

A New Friend ^^

Yesterday evening, I went out with SL. It's my first time meeting him in person and I was a little bashful at first, but everything came naturally later. He was my cyber friend whom I get to know through a friend of mine. We went to The Mines by his bike. First, we went to Giant to extend Joey's watch. We planned to have Pizza but there was no good promotion offered, so we went to KFC instead. We chatted to get to know each other deeper. Then, we went window shopping. That's the first time I window shopped in almost every outlet there! There was a pair of jeans which caught my eyes; so I tried it on, but it turned out not nice at all. SL who has not worn shorts for years because of the scar on his leg wanted to try to wear shorts again especially for this coming Chinese New Year. Therefore, I brought him to try on some suitable pairs of shorts. They looked nice on him, but he didn't purchase them since they weren't worthwhile for their expensive prices. I'm sure this boosted his confidence for wearing one in the near future. Then, we went to the famous roti canai stall for supper. He ordered Roti Michael Jackson, while I ordered Roti Diana. We chatted until around 1.25 a.m. before he fetched me back to Old Flat, while he alone rode back to Petaling Jaya @_@ We had a good evening, and I'm glad I've made a new friend. ^^

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